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my plan for summr vacationth longing summr vacation is approaching, it is th bst part of th school yar for m. i cannot lt th holidays laps (逝去) maninglssly, my vacation should b a phas (时期、阶段) of harvst. th vnts in my plan should giv m a sns of infinit potntial.th following plan may rval th intnsity of my dsir to travl, work and study in this vacation. in th first fw days i want to climb mount hua shan with svral frinds to rfrsh ourslvs. thn i tnd to visit rlativs, snior school tachrs and formr classmats(老同学). bsids, to find out th bst ways to cultivat my abilitis, i will find a part tim job and conduct som social invstigation.in short, i want to do intrsting things in th summr vacation. whatvr i do, th goal is th sam: to gt ncssary xprinc, acquir knowldg and broadn my horizons. though th six wk vacation will pass away at lightning spd, its influnc is bound to last long.


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