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读后感 阅读下面摘自 China Daily 的一则简讯,写一篇100词左右的读后感


Rivr Pollution

A GRat dal of dad fish can b found floating on th surfac of th Huaih Rivr(淮河), bcaus of srious pollution this summr. In a rport, Anhui Daily calld on rsidnts (居民) to hlp protct th rivr against pollution.

要求:1 必须包括对上述主要内容的感想,可以适当增减细节,使其连贯、完整。

2 词数:100左右

Chins popl ar now fac to a srious problm--pollution. And this problm is a littl bit diffrnt from othrs--th govrmnt can not solv it by thmslvs. W nd vryon to protct our nvironmnt. But w also know that it is vry hard to call vryon to join us to protct th nvironmnt. But it sms that thy hav found th way to lt vrybody know it. In a rport, Anhui Daily calld on rsidnts to hlp protct th rivr against pollution. I am so glad about it. And i bliv that somwhr th pollution must stop.

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