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母爱-Mothers Love,母爱-Mothers Love范文

母爱-Mothrs Lov,母爱-Mothrs Lov范文母爱-Mothrs Lov 我早上起床晚了,所以没来得及喂猫就上学去了。当我下午放学回家时,猫都快要饿死了。它们围着我“喵喵”地叫着要饭吃。我拿出一条鱼扔过去。我想看看谁先抢到鱼。只见猫妈妈一口叼住鱼,迅速跑开了。它没有吃,而是放下鱼,回头召唤它的孩子们。四个小家伙狼吞虎咽地吃着鱼,而它们的妈妈就在一旁温柔地看着,一口也没吃。我想起了我的妈妈。她也是这样无私地对我的。这就是母爱了,我想。 I got up lat this morning and wnt to school without fding my cats.Whn I cam hom in th aftrnoon, th cats almost starvd to dath. Thy circld around m and crying for food. I took on fish out and thrw it to th cats. I wantd to s who was th first on to catch th fish. Mothr cat hld it in hr mouth and nm away quickly. Sh didn't at it, but put it down, thn calld hr childrn thr. Th four starving littl cats bgan to dvour th fish, but thir mothr just stayd thr looking at thm tndrly,without ating a littl bit. On sing that, I thought of my mothr. Sh oftn dos vrything for m slflssly. This is a mothr's lov, I think. 母爱-Mothrs Lov

母爱-Mothers Love,母爱-Mothers Love范文

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